
7/3/24:  On Thursday, July 4th, Pediatric Associates of Norwood and Franklin is on-call and available for urgent care in their Norwood location. Appointments can be made by visiting their website. Their phone number is 781-769-4090.


Please make note that there is no walk in clinic at the Foxboro office on weekends and Holidays.

6/12/24:  Our offices will be closed tomorrow afternoon, 6/13/24, while our office staff, nurses and providers are offsite to engage in continuing education. Medical advice will still be available by phone while we are out of the office and the office will re-open for evening hours at 6:00 PM.

5/30/24:  Today we celebrate the distinguished career of Dr. Leah Spitzer. Dr. Spitzer joined Pediatric Specialists in 1989 and has been an important member of our family since that time. Over the past 35 years, Dr. Spitzer has cared for thousands of children and provided excellent and compassionate counseling for the families of her patients. Dr. Spitzer has worked tirelessly, not only as a patient advocate but as a mentor and leader within the practice. Congratulations, Dr. Spitzer, on your retirement. You will certainly be missed but this new stage of your life is well deserved.

3/1/24: On Saturday and Sunday, March 2nd and 3rd, Pediatric Associates of Norwood and Franklin is on-call and available for urgent care appointments in the Norwood location.  Appointments can be made by visiting their website.  Their phone number is (781) 769-4090.


2/18/24: The Foxboro office will be open on Monday, 2/19/24, for urgent care appointments.  Please call the office if you would like your child to be seen for a sick appointment.  The number is (508) 543-6306, Our phones turn on at 8:30 AM and turn off at 12:00 PM.  Please note all visits on Monday, 2/19/24, are by appointment only.  There is no walk in clinic on Monday, 2/19/24. 

11/22/23: Office Hours and Availability 11/23/23 - 11/26/23

Please see below for office hours and availability for the coming long weekend and Holiday.

On Thursday, 11/23/23, the offices will be closed. Medical advice, however, will be available by telephone. If medical advice is needed for patients of Pediatric Specialists of Foxboro and Wrentham or Pediatric Associates of Norwood and Franklin, please call the Foxboro office at (508) 543-6306. There is no appointment availability, walk-in or scheduled, on this day.

On Friday, 11/24/23, the Foxboro office is on-call and available for urgent care appointments. The office phone number is (508) 543-6306. Our office phones turn on at 8:30 AM. Please note that there is no Walk-In clinic availability on Friday, 11/24/23. All appointments must be scheduled via a phone call to the office.

On Saturday and Sunday, 11/25/23 and 11/26/23, Pediatric Associates of Norwood and Franklin is on-call and available for urgent care appointments in their Norwood location. Appointments can be made by visiting their website. Their phone number is (781) 769-4090. Please make note of their new address:

115 Norwood Park South, Suite 110, Norwood, Ma


10/27/22: Flu Clinic Availability

We are happy to announce that we have plenty of availability in two upcoming Flu clinics.

The first Flu clinic is scheduled for Monday, 11/7/22 from 6 PM - 7:30 PM in the Foxboro office.

The second Flu clinic is schedule for Wednesday, 11/9/22 from 6 PM - 7:30 PM in the Wrentham office.

Please call either office to reserve your flu clinics appointment!

Foxboro: (508) 543-6306

Wrentham: (508) 384-7867

10/17/22: Walk-In Clinic

Our Walk-In clinic has resumed!  We are now offering Walk-In appointments Monday - Friday in the Foxboro office from 8 AM - 9 AM.  If you would like your child to be seen at walk-in we ask that you text our main number (508) 543-6306 on arrival to be entered into the queue to be seen. At this time we will not schedule walk-in appointments by phone. Please note that walk-in appointments are for acute care sick visits only such as sore throat, fever, cough and cold symptoms. If we feel that your reason for being seen is not suitable for a walk-in appointment (e.g., stomach ache, head ache, chronic conditions) we will schedule your child into an appointment slot that allows for the necessary time and resources.

6/24/22: COVID vaccine availability

We now have the COVID vaccine for 6 months to 5 years (4 years and 364 days) in stock. Please call the office to schedule an appointment. We will be offering the vaccine alongside scheduled well visits and in mini-vaccine clinics. Currently we are scheduling a clinic on Wednesday, 6/29/22.

6/22/22: COVID vaccine update

We understand there has been a lot of information in the news regarding the availability of the COVID vaccine for children 6 months - 5 years of age. Please know that we are still awaiting our supply from the state so we do not currently have any COVID vaccine in the office. Until our shipment arrives we do not have the capacity to schedule any COVID vaccine visits. Please continue to check our Facebook page and / or our website for updates. Thank you for your patience.

6/16/22: Offices closed this afternoon

Our offices will be closed this afternoon while our office staff, nurses and providers are offsite to engage in continuing education. Medical advice will still be available by phone while we are out of the office and the office will re-open this evening at 6:00 PM.

2/18/22:  Update regarding the recent Similac recall regarding formula made in it's plant in Michigan.

We are aware of the recent recall of Similac / Abbot formula products. Similac has created a website to provide more information: https://www.similacrecall.com/us/en/home.html. There is information on the website that allows you to check if your supply of formula is affected.

 If you have formula affected by the recall, you could switch to cans that have unaffected lot numbers. 

If you are interested in switching formulas: 

If your baby uses a regular cow's milk protein formula (most formulas are this type), you could switch to any other cow's milk protein formula. 

If your baby is on Alimentum, you can switch to an unaffected lot number or liquid Alimentum. Alternatively you could switch to another extensively hydrolyzed formula such as Enfamil Nutramigen, Gerber Extensive HA, or Pregestimil. 

If your baby is on Elecare, you could switch to an unaffected lot number or could switch to another amino acid formula such as Alfamino Infant, Neocate Syneo or PurAmino.

2/2/22:  Mobile COVID clinic at Foxborough Regional Charter School on 2/5/22

The Foxborough Regional Charter School will be hosting another mobile COVID clinic. The clinic is schedule to take place on Saturday, February 5th and is open to everyone. They will be offering Pfizer, J&J and Moderna vaccinations. Please follow the link for more information and to schedule your vaccination appointments.


1/28/22: Office Closed on Saturday, 1/29/22, due to Snow Storm

With the coming storm, we are sorry to say that we will be unable to open our office on Saturday.  We anticipate being able to open for our usual weekend hours on Sunday and will post here should those plans change.  Please plan ahead if you have any issues you feel may need to be seen as we have availability in both our Foxboro and Wrentham offices for sick visits today.  Stay safe and warm in the coming storm!

1/8/22: Post COVID sports clearance for young athletes

We wanted to share some information about clearance for return to sports after infection with COVID-19. 

We have been reviewing much of the available data, including that from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Cardiology, and from our colleagues in Pediatric Cardiology at MGH for Children.

It is important to understand why we are cautious about return to sports after COVID infection. While it is a rare complication, it is known that myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, can occur after infection. Adolescent males have the highest risk at a rate of approximately 450 per million infections. By comparison, the rate after a 2nd dose of COVID vaccine is between 4 and 7 per 100,000 infections (or 40 - 70 per million). One of the rare, but serious risks of myocarditis is sudden cardiac death.

For these reasons, recommendations have been put forth to wait until 10 days after COVID symptoms begin or diagnosis is made prior to clearing young athletes aged 12 or older for athletics. This gives a period of observation to see if any symptoms of myocarditis arise.

Cardiac Clearance Requirements:

  1. Children and adolescents with moderate or severe COVID require cardiac clearance prior to return to physical activity.  The following is a link to guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics: https://www.aap.org/en/pages/2...
  2. An office visit is required at least 10 days after start of symptoms or diagnosis if:
    • Greater than 4 days of fever > 100.4 degrees
    • Greater then 7 days of muscle aches, chills, or extreme fatigue
    • Hospitalized
  1. For all others with asymptomatic or mild disease, you may call the office once out of isolation (see above) and a nurse will assist you in providing a clearance letter for a graduated return-to-play protocol (please note that asymptomatic and mild disease also require a gradual return to play start date on or after  day 11 from the start of COVID symptoms or diagnosis).
    • This applies if there was less than 4 days of fever >100.4 and less than 7 days of muscle aches, chills, or extreme fatigue and for those who remained asymptomatic

We completely understand the frustration of missing sports and activities, but will continue to adhere to these guidelines to keep our patients safe. We will also continue to monitor changes in guidelines and evidence and will modify our protocols if needed.

Thank you for your understanding!

1/7/22: Office opening late on 1/7/22

Due to the impending winter storm heading our way, both the Wrentham and Foxboro locations of Pediatric Specialists will remain closed for the morning of 1/7/22.  Our phones will go on at 12 PM and we will being seeing patients in both offices at 1 PM.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  Please stay safe and warm during the storm.

1/4/22: Out of appointments for today
We wanted to let you know that we are currently out of appointments for the day.  The demand throughout the healthcare system far exceeds capacity at this time, and our office is unfortunately no exception.  

If you have symptoms, please try to get a home rapid test as these are very reliable if positive.  Please stay home until you are able to be tested or to be seen.

We ask that you call our office again tomorrow morning if you need to be seen.  We are not prescheduling sick visits as our staff also has significant risk of developing COVID in which case we would need to cancel visits you had scheduled.  We are sorry for this inconvenience, but wanted to let you know so that you are not waiting 1-2 hours by phone only to hear that no appointments are available.

If you need medical advice, we are still always available and we will still try to find spaces for more urgent symptoms.  We also are continuing to look for additional ways to increase capacity.

Again-- if you have symptoms, stay home, rest, wear a mask.  If you have any symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain, get medical help immediately.

If you are looking for quarantine / isolation guidance for your child who has either tested positive for COVID or who has been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID please review the guidelines posted below.

1/3/22:  Quarantine / Testing guidelines

As 2022 kicks off we find ourselves battling through yet another COVID surge due the most recent COVID variant.  At Pediatric Specialists of Foxboro and Wrentham we are seeing call volume like we have never seen before.  Our staff is working tirelessly to get to all of your calls however the volume can sometimes be relentless.  We have adopted new technology such as a secure texting platform to ease the load of calls and we have expanded our phone parameters so that more calls can come through to our queues, however this does not allow us to work through the calls any quicker.

Many of the calls we receive are to discuss quarantine / isolation procedures for children who have had a positive COVID test or for children who have been a close contact to someone who had a positive COVID test.  In an attempt to reduce call volume we  are posting the protocol for various scenarios for patients who have tested positive for COVID and for patients who have been close contacts to someone who tested positive for COVID.

Please do not call the office for questions about what to do if your child has been exposed to COVID or has been diagnosed with COVID - refer to the guidelines below!

Please read these guidelines carefully as they will answer the majority of your questions, including worrisome signs and symptoms that WOULD require a call to the office.

The following guidelines represent the most recent CDC recommendations for managing individuals with a positive COVID test, as well as identified close contacts of people with COVID. 

**For information regarding when your child can return to school in any of the scenarios below, we recommend that you contact your child’s school nurse as each school has the ability to adopt different guidelines and quarantine requirements may differ from those posted below. **

** If your child tested positive for COVID on a home test, please contact your child’s school nurse for quarantine guidance and date of return as at home tests do not require a doctor’s note for return to school and excused absences. **

  Please see the CDC Website for instructions on the difference between isolation and quarantine.     Positive COVID Test If you test positive for COVID via rapid antigen, molecular or PCR test, the following applies to you.

  • Please note:  a positive rapid antigen test does not need to be confirmed with a PCR or molecular test


  1. Stay at home for 5 days.  The first day of symptoms or date of positive test is “Day Zero.”
  2. If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house on day 6, but must wear a mask for 5 additional days.  This should be both within and outside of the home.
    •  If you are unable to wear a mask, you must isolate at home for a total of 10 days  
  • If you have a fever on or after day 5, continue to stay home until your fever has resolved for 24 hours
  • Please send a Patient Gateway message to the office so we can document in your child’s chart

Please note: the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) agrees with the above isolation guidelines (5 days at home, 5 days masked) and does not require a negative test to return to school.   Reasons to call the office for guidance:

  1. Chest pain
  2. Shortness of breath/labored breathing
  3. Concerns for dehydration
  4. Changes in mental status (extreme fatigue, irritability)
  5. Fever (> 101) for more than 72 hours in child younger than 2 years of age
  6. Fever (>101) for more than 5 days in a child 2 years of age or older

  Cardiac Clearance Requirements:

  1. Children and adolescents with moderate or severe COVID require cardiac clearance prior to return to physical activity.  The following is a link to guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics: https://www.aap.org/en/pages/2...
  2. An office visit is required at least 10 days after symptoms resolved if:
    • Greater than 4 days of fever > 100.4 degrees
    • Greater then 7 days of muscle aches, chills, or extreme fatigue
    • Hospitalized
  1. For all others with asymptomatic or mild disease, you may call the office once out of isolation (see above) and a nurse will assist you in providing a clearance letter for a graduated return-to-play protocol
    • This applies if there was less than 4 days of fever >100.4 and less than 7 days of muscle aches, chills, or extreme fatigue and for those who remained asymptomatic

    Close Contact of Individual with COVID – Fully Vaccinated   This guideline applies if you have been identified as a close contact of an individual with COVID and you have either:

  • Received 3 doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine or
  • Received 2 doses of the J+J Vaccine (or 1 J+J and 1 Pfizer/Moderna) or
  • Received 2 doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine within the last 6 months
  • Received the J+J Vaccine within the last 2 months


  1. Wear a mask around others (including at home) for 10 days
    • If you are unable to wear a mask, you must isolate at home for a total of 10 days  
  1. Test on day 5 (if possible)
    • Negative rapid antigen tests should be confirmed with a PCR or molecular test
    • Positive rapid antigen tests are assumed to be positive and do not need confirmation
  1. If you develop any symptoms, get a test and stay home

    Close Contact of Individual with COVID – Not Fully Vaccinated   This guideline applies if you have been identified as a close contact of an individual with COVID and you have either:

  • Received 2 doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine over 6 months ago and have not been boosted
  • Received 1 dose of the J+J Vaccine over 2 months ago and are not boosted
  • Received 1 dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine
  • Not received any COVID Vaccines


  1. Stay at home for 5 days.  After that, continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days
    • If you are unable to wear a mask, you must isolate at home for a total of 10 days  
  1. If you cannot quarantine, you must wear a mask for 10 days
  1. Test on Day 5 (if possible) with PCR or molecular tests preferred
    • Negative rapid antigen tests should be confirmed with a PCR or molecular test
    • Positive rapid antigen tests are assumed to be positive and do not need confirmation
  1. If you develop any symptoms, get a test and stay home

Close Contacts Who Test Negative But Have Symptoms:

In the situation where someone has been a close contact and develops symptoms that could be consistent with COVID (congestion, cough, fever, chills, muscle aches, sore throat), he or she must remain in quarantine for a full 10 days, even with a negative test result.


A Word About Continuous Exposure: Please note that if your exposure is continuous and you are unable to separate from someone who has COVID, you are being exposed to COVID on a daily basis.  This makes the quarantine period longer since your date of last exposure is constantly changing. For example, if a mother tests positive for COVID and is unable to separate from a baby.  The baby is therefore being exposed to COVID on each day that the mother remains infectious (10 days, assuming mild symptoms).  The baby then needs an additional 10 days of quarantine starting when the mother is no longer assumed to be infectious.  In this scenario, the baby should be tested 5 days after the mother is no longer infectious (day 15 after her diagnosis) and needs to quarantine for 20 days total.

12/20/21: Scheduling changes at Pediatric Specialists of Foxboro and Wrentham

Happy holidays! We want to share some updates regarding upcoming changes in our office for at least the coming month. 

Unfortunately, we find ourselves in the midst of one more surge of the pandemic. Current projections suggest that the omicron variant will cause an additional increase in cases in the coming month. We have seen an increased positivity rate among our patients and in our area communities, as well. 

Based on 2 factors, the goal to keep healthy patients who come to our office healthy and the need to accommodate our sick patients who need to be seen and tested, we are going to implement a scheduling change in our office beginning 1/1/22 and continuing through at least the month of January, if not longer. 

Similar to how we scheduled earlier in the pandemic, we will be seeing only well visits during the morning hours and sick visits from 1PM until we close for the day.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience this may cause with appointment times, some of which have been prescheduled for quite some time. This
may also result in seeing an alternate provider as all of our doctors and nurse practitioners will be providing well visits during the morning hours.
However, with the potential increased transmissibility of the omicron variant, we feel this is absolutely necessary to ensure your safety when you come to our office. We are confident in the ability of each of our medical providers to deliver outstanding pediatric care and meet your needs at these visits. In addition, school absences for medical visits are excused and we will provide notes to make sure that schools are aware of the reason for absence.

If you have afternoon visits scheduled in January (physicals, med checks, etc.), you will receive a call from our staff to work on rescheduling this visit.
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and your flexibility. We wish you all happy holidays and good health in the new year! We will be
here to help guide you through any of the challenges that may arise.

Pediatric Specialists of Foxboro and Wrentham

11/16/21: COVID Vaccine Clinic on 11/20 and 11/21

We are pleased to announce that we have received doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 year old children from the state. We have a limited supply and right now are only offering these in a dedicated vaccine clinic setting.

We can now take appointments for COVID vaccine for our clinics which will take place on 11/20-21 from 9AM-1PM in the Wrentham office. Please note that we only have the 5-11 year old dose and cannot vaccinate any other age groups. Anyone receiving the vaccine must be between 5 and 11 years old on the date they receive the vaccine. Only patients pre-scheduled for this clinic will receive the vaccine. Please do not bring additional siblings or family members if they are not scheduled to receive the vaccine.

Appointments will be scheduled on a first-come first-served based and you must take the next available appointment time.

Any child receiving the vaccine must come with a parent or legal guardian, not a sibling, grandparent, nanny, etc.
Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. On arrival, you will need to text the Wrentham office at tel:508-384-7867 and await further instructions. The phones will not be on, so please do not call.

All patients receiving the vaccine will be observed for 15 minutes for any potential reaction. Anyone with food or medication allergies will be monitored for 30 minutes.

Our 2nd dose clinic will be schedule for the same time and location 3 weeks later on 12/11-12/12 pending adequate supply. If a child turns 12 between the 2 doses, he or she will need to go elsewhere to receive the adult dose for his or her 2nd dose.

Thank you for your attention to all of the above guidelines. These are critically important to making sure we are able to provide this vaccine safely and efficiently and that we follow the guidelines put forth by the state and CDC.

11/9/21: Flu Clinic Availability next week

We are excited to be able to announce that we will once again have the necessary vaccine supply to hold another flu clinic next week. This clinic will be for patients who are between the ages of 6 months and 18 years.

The flu clinic next week will be held on Tuesday night, 11/16, in the Wrentham office from 6 PM to 8 PM.

Spaces are limited so please call either office as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Foxboro: 508-543-6306

Wrentham: 508-384-7867

Please do not submit appointment requests for the flu clinic through patient gateway as the open spots will likely be filled before we see the gateway message.

Please note that in order to maintain a safe environment during our clinics you will be required to text the office upon your arrival. More details will be provided when you call to schedule your flu clinic appointment.

11/4/21: COVID Vaccine Update

With this week's approval of the COVID vaccine, by the CDC, for children 5-11 year of age, we can imagine you have lots of questions regarding the availability of the vaccine and the scheduling of COVID vaccine clinics at Pediatric Specialists of Foxboro and Wrentham. Rest assured that we are working very hard to obtain an allotment of the COVID vaccine for our patients. We anticipate arrival of the vaccine in the very near future at which time we will begin scheduling clinics.

If, however, you'd like to try and find a vaccine before we have them available here, you should know that our friends at Foxboro Regional Charter School are hosting a COVID vaccine clinic on 11/13. I have included the link below, through which you can schedule your vaccine appointment.


10/29/21: Flu Clinic availability next week

We are excited to be able to announce that we will once again have the necessary supply to hold another flu clinic next week.  This clinic will be for patients between the ages of 6 months and 18 years.  The flu clinic will be held on Thursday, 11/4, in the Foxboro office from 6 PM to 8 PM.  Spaces are limited so please call either office as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Foxboro: (508) 543-6306

Wrentham: (508) 384-7867

Please note that in order to maintain a safe environment for our clinics you will be required to text the office upon your arrival.  More details will be provided when you call to schedule your flu clinic appointment.

Office Update - 9/5/20

Happy Labor Day weekend!  We wanted to share some office updates for the coming months with all of you.  We continue to adjust office protocol as necessary to make sure that your experience in coming to the office is a safe one during the pandemic.  We also understand that the start of school will result in different needs for appointments and services in our office.  

Typically, we begin our walk-in clinic on the Tuesday after Labor Day.   We will not have in-person walk-in clinic for the foreseeable future as this does not allow us to pre-screen patients and families for symptoms which may put others at risk.   However, beginning Tuesday, 9/8 our phones will go on at 8AM in the Foxboro office and both nurses and front desk staff will be available to answer questions.  We will also have virtual walk-in clinic available from 8AM-9AM each weekday at https://doxy.me/psfw.  If you call, we can offer in-person visits for certain complaints such as injuries, ear pain, urinary tract infections, and certain rashes.  Other complaints such as cough, congestion, sore throat, and fever may be seen in person, but will be scheduled in our designated sick office for that day after 3PM when well visits have ended in that office.  We will continue to offer well visits, follow-ups, and same day visits for non-infectious causes from 9AM-3PM in both offices.  One office or the other will transition to sick visits at 3PM on each day.  In addition, on Tuesday, 9/8 we will resume evening hours in one office or the other from 6-9PM on Monday through Thursday nights.  These hours will be limited to in-person and virtual sick visits, as well virtual visits for medication follow-ups.  No well visits will be provided during evening hours at this time. 

Masks are required by patients, caregivers, and staff at all times in our office.  We are hard at work developing a plan for our patients to receive the flu vaccine.  We support the mandate that anyone in school, daycare, college, etc receive the flu vaccine as anything we can do to decrease fever and respiratory symptoms this winter will improve the ability to manage any surge in COVID and will help the cause to keep schools open at least for some in-person learning.  The flu vaccine has been around for many years, has been shown to be exceedingly safe, and even when it does not completely prevent illness, it can shorten the duration or decrease the severity of the flu.  We will be offering the flu vaccine during evening clinics where sick visits are not being seen.  We will offer multiple evenings as we will need to keep the numbers at each clinic low so that we are able to maintain appropriate distancing.  Patients and caregivers will be required to wear masks at the flu vaccine clinics and we ask that if you anticipate your child will be difficult about receiving the vaccine that you please make alternative arrangements with our office to receive to receive the vaccine at a different time of day.  We will have more information about the timing of flu vaccine clinics in the coming week and will update you when they are available to schedule. 

It is our pleasure to serve you and to help manage your healthcare needs during this time.  We have all been challenged personally and professionally by the pandemic and by all accounts we still have a way to go.  We will adjust as needed and will remain available to all of you in some manner.  We encourage you to maintain mask use, social distancing, and adherence to the guidelines, even as our own children push us to test the limits.  These measures have had an effect and have hopefully bought us time as we get closer to vaccine availability for COVID.  Stay safe and best of luck with the start of school!

COVID Testing locations:
Please click HERE to view a map, maintained by the state of Massachusetts, showing COVID testing locations.  Please be aware the some locations may require you to preschedule and appointment for the  test.  Additionally, some locations may require an order from your doctor's office.

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